Student Collaboration and Training Travel Grant
The Prairie Northern Chapter (PNC) of SETAC exists to encourage collaboration, networking, training, and sharing of knowledge within the fields of environmental toxicology and chemistry.
To this end, PNC has developed a grant to offset costs associated with travel to and from other institutions for collaborative research or training purposes.
The Student Collaboration and Training Travel Grant consists of a minimum of two awards awarded annually valued at a maximum of $750 each, with the total award, among all recipients, not exceeding $1500.
Applications for this award are now open. Please send your complete application package to setac_pnc@outlook.com by September 20, 2024. If the $1500 total allocation (max $750 per award) has not been granted by this deadline the call for applications will remain open.

Student is enrolled in an undergraduate, Master’s, or PhD program and is in good academic standing at a recognized institution within the Prairie Northern Chapter of SETAC (Provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba; the Yukon, the Northwest Territories, and Nunavut;
Student and advisor are current registered members of SETAC PNC;
The award will only be used for costs associated with accommodations and travel to and from the host institution. Transportation costs include flights within the region, expenses related to vehicle rentals (including gas), and vehicle mileage for personal vehicle. Accommodations may include hotels, university residences, or similar – students are encouraged to seek out the best economical options for accommodations;
The host institution can be within or outside of the PNC, but must be located within one of the SETAC North America regional chapters;
The student recipient of this award is encouraged to present their research in the form of a poster or platform presentation at the following PNC Annual General Meeting and Conference, if feasible;
Upon completion of their visit to the host institution, the student recipient will be required to submit a brief summary of their experience outlining what skills/techniques they have gained and how this opportunity will contribute to their education to be shared on the SETAC PNC website and for related promotional outreach
Note 1: this award may be held with other travel and training grants but those who do not hold a similar award may be prioritized.
Note 2: funding of new collaborations may be given priority over all ready existing collaborations.
A student may only hold one SETAC PNC Student Collaboration and Training Travel Grant in their lifetime;
the collaboration must be completed, and the grant recipient must have submitted the summary of their experience within twelve (12) months of the date in which the grant was awarded;
reimbursements will not be provided until the grant recipient has submitted the summary of their experience, and;
the sending and host institution lab may only send/host one grant recipient per year and may not send/host grant recipients in the following year (a sending/hosting lab may send/host grant recipients every second year).
Application & Evaluation Criteria
To be considered, applicants must submit the following:
a 1 page NSERC style research proposal (Arial, 11pt font, single spaced)
a single letter of support from the student’s primary advisor and the hosting supervisor (signed by both sending and hosting supervisor)*
a completed application form, including budget
*Note: Two separate letters are not required. The student’s primary supervisor can write the letter but it should be reviewed and signed by the hosting supervisor to demonstrate they are aware of and support the collaboration.
Applications will be evaluated on:
Degree to which this collaboration would contribute to the applicant’s research;
demonstration of a well-planned collaboration in which the applicant has made a clear effort to gain knowledge of the technique/skill to be acquired;
academic ability and research potential (based on letter from supervisor) and clear prior communication with host advisor (host letter of acknowledgement); and,
the ability of the student to demonstrate the value of learning the technique/skill relating to not only the current research project, but also to future endeavors.