Stephanie is a PhD student under the supervision of David Janz at the University of Saskatchewan. Stephanie's research focuses on understanding selenium distribution and bioaccumulation in boreal lake food webs. Stephanie also studies the toxicity of selenium to invertebrates in boreal lake ecosystems. To study the uptake of selenium by periphyton and phytoplankton, as well as trophic transfer to invertebrates and small-bodied fish, Stephanie conducts in-lake exposures using limnocorrals at the International Institute for Sustainable Development - Experimental Lakes Are (IISD-ELA). This in-lake, whole ecosystem approach allows Stephanie to assess responses of the food web to selenium exposure, focusing on community-level effects of selenium on benthic macroinvertebrates and zooplankton. Stephanie currently holds an NSERC postgraduate doctoral scholarship to carry out her research. After completing her PhD, Stephanie hopes to continue to study the distribution and effects of contaminants in aquatic ecosystems with a focus on bridging the gap between ecology and toxicology. Ideally, Stephanie would love to obtain a research position that involves lots of field work - working as a research scientist at IISD-ELA is her ultimate goal.
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