Hi everyone! I am currently pursuing my PhD degree in the Department of Environment and Geography at the University of Manitoba. I am originally from Costa Rica, where I hold an Assistant Professor position at Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica, an engineering-based university in Cartago, Costa Rica. I came to Canada in 2014 thanks to a full scholarship that my institution provided me with funds from the World Bank. This funding is intended to advance the research experience and knowledge of young staff to contribute improve research quality in Costa Rica.
My thesis is focused on the assessment of passive wastewater treatment systems for removing nutrients and commonly-used pharmaceuticals using low-cost materials as substrate. I have been investigating systems ranging from mesocosm-scale at the Prairie Wetland Research Facility (University of Manitoba) to full-scale systems treating municipal wastewater in Dunnottar, Manitoba, near the shores of Lake Winnipeg. It is my interest to better understand the chemical processes that allow for pharmaceutical removal from wastewater in these facilities.
I am very thankful for the opportunities I have had during my time in Canada, especially when it comes to conference attendance. SETAC PNC is an excellent platform to showcase my research in a friendly manner, and I’m excited to be a part of it.
Luis published his second paper just last year, following his first publication in 2016, and we are very excited to see future publications from Luis! In the meantime, you can follow him on ResearchGate, Twitter, and LinkedIn.