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Call for nominations - Student representative


Deadline for nominations: November 8th, 2024

Greetings SETAC PNC, It's time to elect a new student representative to serve on the PNC Board of Directors for the upcoming year. This is an important role to ensure that the voices of the student body are heard and considered in decision-making processes.

The Prairie Northern Chapter of SETAC (SETAC-PNC) is seeking applications from students who are interested in applying for the position of student representative to the PNC Board of Directors. This is a two-year commitment wherein the successful applicant will assume the position of student representative to the PNC board, and then transition to the PNC representative to NASAC, SETAC’s North American Student Advisory Council.

Duties of the Student Representative. The duties of the student representative to the board include assisting with the maintenance of the PNC website (posting announcements, details about the upcoming PNC AGM, etc.), aiding in the coordination and planning of PNC annual meetings, and fulfilling other roles as required. During this time the successful applicant will also learn about their upcoming role as the PNC representative to NASAC, and ultimately assume this role in their second year. The duties of the PNC representative to NASAC will be similar in scope to those of the PNC student position but will instead be directed toward the coordination of the SETAC North America Meeting and will also include training the incoming student board member for their role as PNC representative to NASAC. It is ideal (but not a requirement of application) that the interested candidate plans to attend the SETAC North America Meeting during the year they will act as the PNC representative to NASAC. How to apply. Interested parties should respond to this email with a 300-word statement of interest by Friday, November 8th, 2024. Following a review of the applicants by the PNC Board, statements will be sent to all student members of PNC and voted on using an online poll. If you are interested in the position but have further questions, please feel free to contact Emily Kennedy ( before submitting your statement of interest.

Emily Kennedy | SETAC PNC NASAC Representative



The Prairie Northern Chapter of SETAC

Toxicology Centre

44 Campus Dr.

University of Saskatchewan

Saskatoon, SK, S7N 5B3, Canada

Phone: (306) 966-7441

Fax: (306) 931-1664

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©  2021  |  SETAC Prairie Northern Chapter

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