2020 PNC Virtual Presentation Competition
PNC 2020 in Saskatoon has been postponed to 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In an attempt to stay connected with the membership this year, we have decided to pivot to the virtual realm!
We will be hosting the first-ever virtual presentation competition for PNC students the week of June 15-19, 2020. The PNC membership produces some of the strongest science in the whole society and it is important to share that research! A global pandemic should not change that. Plus, there will be great cash prices for the presentation winners, as determined by a panel of judges. Here is how it will work.
Interested students will submit an abstract as they would normally for the PNC AGM. The deadline for abstracts is June 1st for review by the scientific committee. Based on number of submissions and website video hosting capacity the number of accepted abstracts may have to be limited. Abstract descisions will be made by June 4th. Each student will video record themselves delivering a 12-minute platform presentation and submit it to the scientific committee for QA/QC (video quality, sound, etc.) assessment by June 12th. Accepted videos will be uploaded to the PNC website starting June 15th and will be available for viewing until June 19th. The competition will be advertised to the membership by email and shared on the PNC social media platforms. The judging panel will assess all the videos over the week and select winners.
Students can video record themselves using any technique they want, but submissions should have the following basic elements:
- A visual of the presentation slides (required)
- A voice recording of the student orating the presentation (required)
- A concurrent video of the student speaking (recommended, not required)
- 12 minutes maximum
These presentations will be publicly available on the internet for the five day period from June 15-19, at which point they will be taken down. Students must receive consent from all abstract co-authors to allow the research to be posted online. Submission of an abstract confirms that all co-authors have agreed to the presentation being posted online. It is essential that presenters only include materials in their presentations of which they either (1) hold the copyright (e.g., own photographs, plots and artwork), (2) received written permission to use the materials from the copyright holder, (3) are in the public domain, or (4) are available under a public copyright license, such as the Creative Commons (CC) license.
Submission instructions:
Abstract deadline: Monday, June 1st, 2020
Video submission deadline: Friday, June 12th, 2020
Submit to: setacpnc.2020@usask.ca
Email Subject Line: Virtual SETAC-PNC 2020
You will be informed of abstract acceptance by June 4th, 2020.
Abstract preparation:
1. MS Word; Font – Times New Roman, 12 point, single-spaced.
2. Word limit: 250 words, including title and authors.
3. Title: in bold typeface, centered.
4. Author and contact information, also centered:
· last name, first name for all authors,
· underline the presenter’s name,
· use superscripted numbers (1, 2, 3) to denote different author affiliations
· include the presenter’s E-mail address.
5. Key Words: up to 4 key words, centered.
6. Body of abstract – justified; no indentations; separate paragraphs by a blank line.
File Name: [last name_first initial] (example: Challis_J.doc).
We will be posting more details on the PNC website shortly, or feel free to reach out at setacpnc.2020@usask.ca for more information.